Tuesday, 16 February 2016

F I N A L . M A J O R . P R O J E C T

Last semester. This is it. And my chance to choose my very own project to work on.

I wanted to look at all the fields within design that I would like to focus on for my Final Major Project; the key and most important one is Photography, combined with typography, graphics and possible some illustration and film making. Photography has become more of a focus for me in the past 3-4, I don't leave the house without my camera and it has become more of a passion than anything else. Combining all these fields of interest within design I feel that I could create a final project that I am super proud of.

Set aside the design interests and my next focus was to look at my interests outside of design, I love outdoor activities and any chance or free time that I get I spend it outside, either running or hiking, other activities such as bouldering or rock climbing and my hobby when I want to chill, reading and chatting with my granny. Hearing old tails and stories from a simpler time. These are the important things in life and this is the time to make the most of it when we have these wonderful people in our lives. 

Combining both my fields of interest within design and the hobbies I have in my spare time I decided to create an

"Outdoor lifestyle and creative culture" 
magazine used to inspire people.

My Magazine will be filled with images from the outdoors and articles from people with a creative or outdoorsy lifestyle. I idea to create a magazine came to me back in August 2015, to combine all my interests into one printable magazine, something I can hold up and say look my names on this. Perfect for portfolio purposes as well.

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